Austin Bible Church
8405 Cross Park Drive, Austin, Texas 78754
p.o. Box 142648, Austin, Texas 78714-2648

Austin Bible Church 2013 Pastors Conference

The 2013 Pastors Conference will be held from Thursday October, 17th through Sunday October, 20th. Here is a listing of the Teaching, Prayer and other events taking place during the conference.

Schedule of Events

Thursday 10/17
1pm Welcome, Greetings and Conference Announcements
1:30pm Teaching Session #1 Ralph Braun
2:20pm 20-minute Activity To Whom Honor Is Due
2:40pm 30-minute Break
3:10pm Teaching Session #2 John Voisey
4:00pm 30-minute Activity Poimenike Demonstration
4:30pm Dinner Break
7:30pm Evening Welcome, Music
7:40pm Teaching Session #3 Hugh Crowder
8:40pm 20-minute Activity To Whom Honor Is Due
9:00pm Closing Prayer
Friday 10/18
8:30am Welcome and Announcements
8:45am Teaching Session #4 Bob Thompson
9:35am 45-minute Activity Grace Notes Africa Presentation
10:20am 30-minute Break
10:50am Teaching Session #5 Eric Bush
11:40am 20-minute Activity Call to Ministry Q&A
12:00pm Lunch Break
1:30pm Teaching Session #6 Stan Newton
2:20pm 20-minute Activity Tent-making Q&A
2:40pm 30-minute Break
3:10pm Teaching Session #7 Mike Smith
4:00pm 30-minute Activity Poimenike Demonstration
4:30pm Dinner Break
7:30pm Evening Welcome, Music
7:40pm Teaching Session #8 Emil Schmidt
8:40pm 20-minute Activity To Whom Honor Is Due
9:00pm Closing Prayer
Saturday 10/19
9:00am Arrival and Fellowship
9:30am Bible Devotion #1 Cliff Beveridge
9:45am Singing and Making Melody
10:00am Bible Devotion #2 Stan Newton
10:15am Singing and Making Melody
10:30am Bible Devotion #3 Bob Bolender
10:45am Prayer
11:00am BBQ Lunch
12:30pm Shooting (men & women + supervised older children)
3:00/4:00pm Conclusion
Evening Open
Sunday 10/20
8:30am Congregational Prayer
9:30am Teaching Session #9 David Roseland
11:00am Welcome & Music
11:15am Teaching Session #10 Ralph Braun
12:30pm Potluck Dinner
1:45/2:00pm Roundtable Discussion
3pm Closing Prayer